I prefer to do things on my own, rather than with others.
I prefer doing things the same way - for instance my morning routine or trip to the supermarket
I find myself becoming strongly absorbed in something – even obsessional
I am very sensitive to noise and will wear earplugs or cover my ears in certain situations
Sometimes people say I am being rude, even though I think I am being polite.
I find it easy to imagine what characters from a book might look like.
I find it easy to talk in groups of people
I am more interested in finding out about ‘things’ than people
I find numbers, dates and strings of information fascinating
I prefer non-fiction books and films to fiction
I find it upsetting if my daily routine is upset or changed
It’s difficult for me to understand other people’s facial expression and body language
I don’t have any problems making small talk with new people
I notice very small changes in a person’s appearance
When I was young I used to play lots of ‘let’s pretend’ or imaginary games
I like collecting information about things I am interested in
I like meeting new people
People close to me say I talk about the same things repeatedly
I find it easy to work out what people are thinking or feeling just by looking at their facial expressions
New social situations make me feel anxious
It’s important to me to carefully plan any activities I am going to do
I find it hard to work out what people’s intentions are
I would find it really hard to play imaginary games with children
I am a good diplomat and can help ease difficult social or work situations
I am often the last person to understand a joke
I like doing things spontaneously
If I am interrupted doing something I find it hard to get back to what I was doing before hand
If I am interrupted doing something I find it hard to get back to what I was doing before hand
I have some very strong interests and get upset if I can’t pursue them
I can tell if someone I am talking to is getting bored