Any reminder brought back feelings about the event/s
I had trouble staying asleep
Other things kept making me think about it
I felt irritable and angry
I avoided letting myself get upset when I thought about it or was reminded of it
I thought about the event when I didn't mean to
I felt as if the event hadn't happened or it wasn't real
I have stayed away from reminders about the situation
Images and pictures of the event pop into my mind
I have been jumpy and easily startled
I have tried not to think about the situation
I am aware I have a lot of feelings about what happened but I haven’t dealt with them
I feel quite ‘numb’ about the situation
I have found myself acting / feeling like I am back at the time of the event
I have had trouble falling asleep
I experience waves of strong feelings about the situation
I have tried to remove the situation from my memory
I have trouble concentrating on things I am supposed to do
Reminder of the event cause me to have physical reactions such as sweating, palpitations, panic attacks
I have dreams about the situation
I feel on-guard and struggle to relax
I try not to talk about the situation